Hey what about the secret servers?
I'm sure you remember when that pesky old Cheato totally hit up newbie Ukrainian president Zelensky for a favor. Like, you know, manufacture dirt on my rival and in return I won't interfere with the desperately needed aid congress approved to help ya with the invasion my dom daddy Puta is smashing on yer beleaguered country?
Well, one thing I hope nobody has forgotten is that said conversation was moved – along with other call transcripts – to a secret server. So, umm, I sure hope somebody has looked into said server for other similarly treasonous transcripts. We all know that top staffers in those whorish days were selected on the basis of shameless ability to kiss the stinky patuti, and competence maybe not so much. Maybe nobody remembered to erase that domestic Kompromat and there are more stinkers in there just waiting to be redacted. Just sayin'