Sunday, September 26, 2010

Last week's exciting adventures in crime were just a variation on an old theme. As all Toyota truck owners find out sooner or later, their catalytic converter has a particularly high platinum content. The same fabulous crowd that steals brass and copper has added this to their hit list.

So I've had 3 Toyota pickups and guess what, I've had to replace three catalytic converters because the lovely people of the night liberated them, most likely with a battery powered reciprocating saw. Last time they also got my O2 sensor which doubled my repair bill. Sweet.

But get this - we're doing a project right downtown in Oakland. Last week one of my guys had his toyota truck parked three cars from the sidewalk in a parking lot. someone went under the truck and unbolted the cat in BROAD DAYLIGHT.

It really is a shame that we have drifted away from the time honored ways of the past. Maybe it's easy for me to say because I don't steal, but it sure seems right that immediate justice would be to cut off a thief's hand. No long, boring expensive trial and also no expensive jail time either.

I have a whole other proposal for criminal punishment that involves modern technology but I'll save that for some other post. I should get back to doing my taxes after all.
